SPARTA Programs
Full-spectrum cybersecurity awareness
Challenges & Objectives
Hybrid cyber activities, in particular disinformation campaigns, fake news in combination with targeted cyber operations, varying in scope, scale, duration, intensity, complexity, sophistication and impact, are getting increasingly common and demand a mobilisation of the full range of intelligence tools and instruments, and a new ways to respond. Prediction capability is key to success. It enables situational threat intelligence, informed and effective decision-making, thus empowering the shift prioritized by the EU from a reactive to a proactive approach through responding to both existing and future cyber threats. To enable that, cybersecurity threat intelligence must be extended and enriched with the related external information and information from other security domains, as well general context information, that would allow to perform Full Spectrum Analysis – i.e. along current, near-future and far-future time dimensions – of potential and evolving threats.
Action & Impacts
The T-SHARK Program in SPARTA means to establish a Full- Spectrum Cybersecurity Threat Intelligence Framework by developing comprehensive solutions based on novel technology developments and cross-disciplinary breakthroughs. T-Shark will develop and validate methodological, organizational and technological solutions extending cybersecurity towards comprehensive organization of security functions, enabling threat prediction and full-spectrum cybersecurity awareness, providing high situational awareness, informing decision and policy makers on broad or long-term issues and/or providing a timely warning of threats. It will expand the reach of threat understanding, from current investigative-level definition, up to strategic considerations on current, future and down to real-time events handling and prevention. It will allow in near future to establish EU cybersecurity capability to predict complex cyber threats and prevent them before damage appeared.
Read more on T-SHARK